Tulsa Wedding Show
We had a great time at the Tulsa Wedding Show this past Sunday! We were able to meet many Brides along with their “entourages” and they all had a great time hopping in the booth and taking some fun pictures! We were able to educate the Brides on the uniqueness of an Excellence Photo Booth any they were able to compare our booth overall with others at the show including Tulsa Photo Booth, Cheers Photo Booth, and Route 66 Photo Booth. Our Brides learned that Excellence Photo Booths all use a flash which really is what makes our pictures look so good! Also, they learned that we offer a Live View screen on the interior of the booth that allows the user to see a live view of what the camera sees prior to the picture being taken. This is advantageous because it allows you to make sure that you are positioned correctly in each photo and don’t have a surprise after the picture is printed when you find out half of your forehead wasn’t in the frame. Excellence Photo Booths is also unique in that we offer BOTH Color and Black and White picture options through out the event. Why make your guests only have one option that you have had to pre-order prior to the event? Believe it or not some companies make you choose before hand. This is one example of the technological superiority of our booths when compared to our competition. Not to mention the most attractive booth and the one with the largest exterior LCD screen in Oklahoma at 32 inches! Your custom logos and engagement pictures really POP when displayed on this screen.
Over and over at the show we heard from Brides who commented how our booth looked nicer and how “I like this one the best”. Not only did Brides comment in this manner but several of the other vendors commented how nice the booth looked and were amazed at the quality of the pictures that were produced and “So FAST” in just 8 seconds. Then we stepped the ante up another notch when we told them the pictures were WATERPROOF! Go ahead and make that your personal coaster for the night! 🙂 Here is a sample picture from the show….

Tulsa Wedding Show
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